
[02.26.11] Pheonix Park for snowboarding

On Saturday, my whole family went to Pheonix Park. At the rest area while we were still on highway, third aunt's family joined us. We ate simple lunch which was almost like a late breakfast, and headed toward ski resort. We rented snowboards and some skies and I took some pictures there with my toy camera. The weather was so nice..

Anyway, with my cousins I had a fun time. We were planning to ride more snowboard in the evening, but we fell asleep right after we arrived at our hotel room. Of course we had a barbecue party in the late evening, and all the adults also had fun. It was a nice, short break from all the school work.
We visited east coast of Korea, and it snowed a lot when we reached our destination. On our way to hotel, the highway was full of cars and we had to stay on the road for  three hours. It was an extraordinary experience.

I wish I could have this time again. 


[02.14.11] Valentine's Day!

On Valentine's Day, I gave chocolate to my dad. Well, it was a sad day because I couldn't give the chocolate to the person I wanted since he was far away from where I lived. Anyway, I also wrote a short letter to my dad with the chocolate. 

I pasted a lot of vintage stickers on a plain white paper, then I cut it out in a right size. I used masking tape to finish the decoration. I was going to put more chocolates in the bag, but the bag was too small. My dad and I got into a little quarrel like two days ago, and I wanted to make sure that he wasn't mad at me anymore. I guess I succeeded in making him feel better.

Brief history of Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is a day for the women to give chocolates to men. However, there is deeper history for this specific date. In 270 A.D, Roman emperor Claudius II who ruled Rome at that time prohibited young soldiers' marriages. There were three Saint Valentines, and it was known that one of them was a bishop, another was a priest, but nothing about the third person. The priest opposed to the idea of Claudius II and he started to help the soldiers get married secretly. Unfortunately, he got caught and was executed for such an action. Valentine's Day was created for St. Valentine's remembrance, and in the past a lot of families traded love and thankfulness on this day.  However, now a days many people trade chocolate for love between men and women.